Today I am going to talk about my hair. A lot. Be prepared for a Tangled GIF spam as I freak out and get excited over the silliest things.
So, my weeks from hell have gone and left me behind in a sort of messed up pile, laughing manically from time to time at the memories and stressfulness. It's fair to say that I feel fairly puddle-like at present and I'm not sure how long until I'm going to solidify a bit and get back on top of things.
This weekend just past it was my Glee Club's big show of the year, which was, thanks for asking, amazing. I'm sure as I look back on it the fonder of it I will get but I remember getting back into the changing rooms after the final number, looking at myself in the mirror and my decidedly tangled hair and sighing with relief that it was all over and that I might actually get some sleep for a change.
It wasn't just that I was bone dead tired. Things like that have people... and sometimes people just suck. Myself included probably. When I get stressed my worst trait is that I become incredibly impatient with people (yes... that is probably something it was good not to tell recruiters). Long story short, someone really upset me by doing something they shouldn't have and when I tried to correct that they went crazy at me. Evidently I wasn't the only stressed person.
This is a blog about Disney, right? The main reason I wanted to talk about the above is A) I need to and B) it allows me to use the quote from the first song in tangled. (Fair warning, the next few paragraphs are pretty shallow and have pretty much nothing to do with Disney other than random Tangled references. I will get to Disney, just skip a little bit)
Anyway, for the show I decided that I was going to curl my hair. I love how my hair looks like when its curled but I am physically unable to do it myself (as much as I would love to be a BBB hostess... well, I'm pretty sure the point of that is not to have the kids crying in pain). Pretty much, straightening my hair with all the help I can get from my GHD is about as complicated as it gets. But, surrounded my my glee buddies I managed to get one of them to do it for me! Woo! Only problem... I had it done reasonably early in the day and there was a lot of hairspray involved. Additionally one of our songs involved crazy head bopping.
My hair looked great, but by the end of the night... I could feel something growing in the depths of the brunette curls, something dark and twisting that filled me with dread:
Honestly, I've had less troublesome teasings of my hair. It took my from 9am in the morning to around 4pm in the afternoon of combing and brushing the damn thing, stopping only to nap when it became all too much. By the time I could finally brush my hair without wincing I'd wasted pretty much all of my Sunday.
Seriously Rupunzel, how did you do it? Running around with your hair all loose and crazy like. I mean... how many bottles of conditioner did you go through? Or did that magical hair stay magically clean as well.
Man I wish I was a Disney Princess.
Okay, okay moving right along onto things you actually care about... its been pretty exciting on facebook the last few days as the American Spring and Spring Advantage hopefuls have started hearing back from WDW! It has been making me feel excited all over again, now that I'm closing in on double digits on the countdown. I want time to go faster! I want to meet these people properly rather than just get into online conversations about how much of a jerk Steven Moffet is and how Disney should make a Doctor Who world rather than Pandora world. (I'll miss out on that, unfortunately... it actually sounds pretty darn epic!)
Their start dates have started coming to and they're kind of... surprising. Their earliest is apparently the 9th of January and some start as late as the 30th. Considering that our date was changed from mid January to the 7th to coincide with their entry (or at least, that's what we got told) this rather amused me! Because now I'm getting there before they do. And you know what that means right? FIRST CHOICE OF APARTMENTS. SCORE.
Actually I kind of hoped there would be Americans moving in with us on the 7th. I'd love to be an apartment buddy with one... especially one with a car. Not sure if that is even possible now, maybe when I move to a non-wellness apartment when I turn 21. Yeah, I will be so ready to party by then.
Today, someone from Disney called me. I was at tib and my phone started ringing quietly (I'm not really supposed to have it on me) and it was very clearly an American number. I was reasonably certain that it was Disney (I can't think why else someone from America would call me just yet) and me being me... I sort of freaked out.
The first thing that went through my head was 'Ohmigosh what if they're calling to say that they don't want me anymore now that they have so many amazing American Applicants' The second was 'Maybe they want me to switch roles. To something I really don't want to do. Or actually, might want to do...'. Anyway, I couldn't answer it so it went to voice mail. I snuck off to the toilet a couple of minutes later to listen to it and it just turned out that they wanted to confirm my graduation date.
Okay, it was probably like the most boring thing in the world. Apparently other people got emailed about the same thing. But there was something about Keiran's (I assume that's how its spelled) smooth American accent that had me grinning and feeling like running around and shouting I'M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD. Which would have been awkward since I haven't told anyone at that job yet.
What else? Oh yeah, I gave away like $1,000 of my Disney money for my show. I'm getting it back (I already have the cheque, just need to bank it now) but we needed to pay for the lights and I'm treasurer and we don't have internet banking (which SUCKS by the way) and it was urgent. So bye bye money! And the NZ dollar is slipping again. *sigh*
Gonna go attend a Disney Recruiting presentation on Saturday, I think. I don't know why, I mean I went to the last one but still... I'm in that sort of mood at the moment.
Finally, apparently our welcome packs are in or close to being in the mail.
I am so excited. I mean... its probably going to have my visa form and not much else in it but I DON'T CARE. I am so ready to start moving onto the next steps for this. I can't wait to be flying off and seeing the big old world without my family, much as I love them. Time is slipping away fast now but not fast enough. I want to BE there already and its driving me a little crazy.
Anyway, off to go and brush my hair some more. Because I'm waiting for my life to begin.
Bet you didn't see that one coming.
Today's GIF spam was bought to you by
Made my night.